quarta-feira, 16 de julho de 2008

VVAA - Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Dub Band 2

A netlabel polaca Qunabu faz-nos chegar a segunda parte da compilação "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Dub Band". O português "operador de cabine polivalente" - ou ocp, para abreviar - dá um contributo com o tema "indubitable"!
Aqui fica o texto original que acompanha esta edição:

"We are proud to announce the release of long-awaited consecutive part of the leading Qunabu dub-label compilation - "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Dub Band 2". This time it's a set of 12 tracks made by artists from all over the world, namely from Canada, Turkey, Portugal, Argentina, Croatia, Germany, Italy and Poland. Expressly for this occasion premiere pieces were made by artists like Das Kraftfuttermischwerk, Segue, Peak or Echo_TM. Like the previous edition, this record aims to show the whole spectrum of minimal-dub-techno phenomenon, inspired by sounds from Berlin and Detroit. This one is a must for all lovers of smoky, technical, post-jamaican vibes."
01. Dubsuite "Schlafschlauch"
02. Biodub "Embers"
03. Das Kraftfuttermischwerk "Downunder The Moon"
04. Segue "Tempo"
05. Dubatech "Nazim"
06. Zzzzra "Mecanographie Phase 2 (Mike Dereyen remix)"
07. OCP "Indubitable"
08. Echo_TM "Dub Is The Law"
09. Dubjack "Volatilismo"
10. Liquid Level "Yearning"
11. Experimenthal Dubbing Sessions "Broke Mi Nekk"
12. Peak "Darksuite"

Qunabu ("releases", qnb007, ZIP file)

2 comentários:

Ogata T3tsuo disse...

O primeiro volume também é muito bom. Aconselho vivamente!

Work Buy Consume Die disse...

Bom disco. dentro de micro-qualquer coisa e glitch com bleeps algumas vezes dançável.

O nosso ocp assina um bom tema!