"Alquimia Dub II"
Regresso à mesma linha rítmica e ambiental.
Massa electrónica orquestrada por JahRucini
em ambientes electro-acústicos de JahMinson.
Ritmos reggae e ambientes dub ao longo de três temas instrumentais.
Resta o release em inglês:
The element of Dub meets Jah Alchemy, for a second part.
After "Alquimia Dub I" the idea of a continuum was inherent to this dub-cooperations meeting Alrucini and Minson with the Alchemy of Jah.
All we need is some fresh air.
Alchemical Lumen Natura.
To our enigmatic reggae roots.
Electro Rucini
JahRucini: sampler and drum-pad
JahMinson: percussions, feedback-reverb, recordings and mixture; voice element on "Secret Number Dub"
JahXarhope: melodica sampled by JahRucini & mixed-processed by JahMinson on "Secret Number Dub".
artwork: JahCaos (Terra Oca)

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