Today we present you with this fine release from Landerim, a Psycadelic/Ambient Folk Band from the USA (Brooklin, New York), with influencies which come from Robert Wyatt, to Soft Machine, Brian Eno, Harold Budd, Jon Hassell, Scott Walker, Pink Floyd and Syd Barrett. Like a girl that I met yesterday said, âtheir music invites us to close the eyes, in order to listen to it with the dued attention, and exploring each sound.. itâs interesting!â

[XS-18] Youth And Student Travel - Copy Me Copy You
About Youth And Student Travel (from
Youth and student travel started up in the summer of 2006 by carl, tobias and marcus. (the name of the band is taken from a song that our dear friends aerial made with the same name.) later the same year niklas joined the band to play bas. in the summer of 2007 we played our first show at kungen festivalen in sandviken. we also recorded the first demo(youth and student travel.)
when the fall came carl lost faith and realized that the band never was going to make any progress, so he decided to move to malm to study flowers and bee's. we don't blame him.. only week's later niklas sensed the same thing. so he moved to oslo.. we haven't heard form him since. god knows what he's been up to, hopefully he's still alive.
we were lucky to find a new drummer(erik). and he's friend mathias were kind enough to start playing the bas..
with the new members we have manage to play one show at kungen in november and record one demo(copy me copy you) in januari 2008. so here we are know with the hope that someone whants to se us play. so if you like the music, feel free to let us know.
In this release we want to present you an ep of a sweden indie band called youth and student travel. a very soundful work, which can trasport you to imaginable imaginary soundscapes and reminds (not as the way as john cage was used to refer to it). A band with a substract to be heard.

[XS-19] ZOTE - Demo001: Casa Esventrada
The first Release of this month, is a Bragaâs new industrial project, which comes the line and influenced by another portuguese projects of the same kind, as for an instance Mão Morta, Mécanosphère, Bizarra Locomotiva, Vortex Sound Tech, Waste Disposal Machine, Dream Metaphor, uncle bart(...), necrostilet, among others. A sensorial experience where sometimes we can think about the sounds as synthesis produced by sounds, which are in fact home machinery sounds. A madness sensorial experience that not even everyone can take.

[XS-20] Tiago Morgado - Zen Garden
Zen Garden is the result of a music reflection made by Tiago Morgado, somewhere before he was 20 years old in a deep loneliness afternoon. A work where the subject is travelling through his mind to clarify the reason of his will and existence. The result is a abrasive viola drone of 20 minutes processed by his hybrid analogue/digital toys setup.

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