Ricardo Alrucini & Anastasia Vronski "The Divine Huntress" - EP - elru090 2010

People living at the edge.
Dedicated to Artemis, the Godess of the Wild Land, Mistress of Animals, the Indomitable Child who Hunts on the Mountains with Archery and the Light of Truth.
Anastasia Vronski recorded and mixed the sounds from the machine of her computer with two microphones in her home studio at the Permiac region where she lives, not far from the Uralic border of the European Russia.
Ricardo Alrucini recorded and mixed the industrial ambiences and drums, resonances, from tempered steel discs with an audio recorder in Porto, where he lives, not far from Atlantic border of Europe, in Portugal.
This is the first cooperation for the young musician from Russia, Anastasia Vronski.
She has 6 previous releases, all solo, on this and other net labels: "The Spell" ; "The Snowgirl" ; "The Blaze" ; "The Drowner" ; "The Intruder" ; "The Sputnik"
and the piece "Vronski Work Camp" released on: "Ugly 7" compilation.
recording and mixing the machine computer drone: Anastasia Vronski
record. and mix. drums, resonances and final mix.: Ricardo Alrucini
cover ; back ; artwork_1 ; artwork_2
Alexandro Kibanovsky / Susanne MaCu / Ricardo Alrucini "VII" - EP - elru089 2010

One the whole, the Point, the Center
the Circumference, and whatsoever is there in.
Nothing to the Unwise:
To the Wise, more than enough.
music: Alexandro Kibanovsky
vocals: Susanne MaCu
drums: Ricardo Alrucini
cover ; back
Xarhope, Engenho & Shagara Olaeia "AMERIKA BAIXA TOLA" - EP - elru088 2010

ouh the nau catrinita didn't came back!
amerika baixa a tola aka amerika lay down your head is a collage track based on different jam sessions I did in different places with my three projects, XARHOPE, ENGENHO (with MINSON) and SHAGARA OLAEIA (with NEMRACA). The first jam happened in the beginning of 2009, before i leave portugal, at republica solar 44, Coimbra, its just freedrums and power electronics played by me and MINSON. NEMRACA played after the helicopter violin part that were mixed with this material. About the silly melodica tune in the beginning of the song, it came from my project XARHOPE, and was recorded somewhere around costa azzurra during the vendemia in the midle of my trip to Turkey. In the beggining of 2010 me and NEMRACA started to travel along the Midle east, and we, as SHAGARA OLAEIA, did some more jams with local people in Istanbul, Damascus, Beirut, Amman and Cairo, in some of this jams we were sometimes just playing with objects we found in the houses of our flatmates in another ones we are playing with street musicians, as happened with a rebaba seller in Cairo that can be listened in the second, desert oriented part of the song, sometimes is just noises from the street and people going mad and saying things like amerika lay down your head, now! Alah.......................................................................samuel ufus
site: http://tonturarural.blogspot.com
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/seivaseiva
Out Level "10" - EP - elru087 2010

1- 10-07-2009
2- 10-01-2010
1- soundcheck do concerto em Oliveira do Hospital, no auditório da caixa de crédito, no dia 10 de Julho de 2009
2- concerto em Tábua, na biblioteca municipal João Brandão, no dia 10 de Janeiro de 2010
Guitarra preparada e efeitos: Out Level
música livre:
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