Tiago Morgado & Leonardo rosado
If you’re interested in seeing your work released in our netlabel, please email tiago_vla@sapo.pt, leonrosado@gmail.com and xsrecords.pt@gmail.com, via yousendit or other similar service a zipfile containing mp3 files (at least 15 to 30 minutes of music, in mp3 192 or 320 kbs), a txt file with info, and images for the cover (front and back) that we will adapt to our layout, and we will answer you.
XS Records [Portuguese Netlabel] is a Portuguese netlabel headed by the musician Tiago Morgado. It was started in the early 2008, turning into reality a long time idea of promoting his own work and creating a circuit for creativity, promotion and distribution of free music online, with support on creative commons licenses. In 2009, Leonardo Rosado sharing the idea behind the netlabel became also its promoter.
For those who use it and want to use it, Music is certainly more than just a form of expression or language, no matter if we consider it to be universal or not. It is part of our existential condition, it is a way of transcending beauty, through love and friendship and all that is around it - Life. Music is beyond religion or judgment, no matter if you are atheist, Agnostic, Christian, Buddhist, or Hindu, open minded or anything else. It is a way to practice Asceticism, no matter if you believe or not in the relationship between macro and micro-structures. It is a way of making a statement about and for the world and ourselves.
In my life I have learned some things, of which the main and most recent discoveries, is that we all make part of the very same thing, and we are all connected. So if Music is a relevant dimension of our existence, we make Music with and for other people. Even if we think that we can make it without other people, something extremely personal, something like a daily-route escape, the seeds of our existence are embedded in it, our dreams, our fears.
In the past year XS Records [pt netlabel] started a gigantic task - creating a circuit for people to share Music, in their own personal way, such that each ones personal vision is not captive to each ones studio, but free for other people to listen to it. And in that way share everything we make and our beliefs, with respect for the differences among all of the people that are inside this boat, this train, this airplane, on this thing that is our Life. The blind man is welcome, the virtuoso is welcome, the average men and women are welcome. Everyone one is Welcome, to share the same embrace that is MUSIC.
And this is not only done by welcoming everyone, but also by breaking all boundaries bringing as much diversity as possible in the name of an ascending quality, and in that sense since the Music in this two sided-release is really good, then consequently a lot of really good people are here represented. And I can say I am proud to share this with these guys, so I will let you discover each one personally.
I've done my best compiling this, and hope you all listen to this Music and have a lot of pleasure listening to it. If you enjoy this compilation then, I can say: I was successful doing it.

Download (.zip)
cd 1
01 - João Clemente - Chamber of Dismemberment by Chariot
02 – Aaldo - Mantra
03 - Minson - Contagious passion
04 - Ziur - The mind of a budist monk
05 - Claudio Moreira - AQUATICA Artificialis & Naturalis
06 - The Astroboy
07 - Isaac de la Concha - Caminos y valles
08 - Subterminal - Still
09 - Light Implant - Barack Obama
10 - Topi Reta - Cuando los Payasos invadieron la Tierra
11 - Hyaena Reich - Zlknf - telegramme de brest cover wampa
12 - Luis Salgado - Pict
13 - Miguel Urbano - Doepfer1
14 - Most People Have Been Trained To Be Bored - Spontaneity less hampered
15 - ocp - Untitled Tower
cd 2
01 – Necrostilet – Amor de cabeça perdida (feat. Valter Hugo Mãe e Luis Fernandes)
02 - João Clemente - Chamber of Heart-digging
03 - Filipe Lopes - Whitemusic
04 - Essl.Burger - EsslMuseum#2
05 - Daily Misconceptions - How to wake up slow and easy in the morning
06 - José Gomes - Distorção 16Bit L2
07 - AGF - minimalTunesia
08 - Adamned.age - In abwesenheit
09 - Jorge Nunes - Tatoo
10 - Hola One - Hipnozia
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